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Age: 33
Status: single
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: bi couple, nsa date, fuck
Location: Cairns, Australia

Hang out later?

local sluts Cairns, Australia

Plans fell through, again.., even though this is casual encounters, I'm not looking for a one night thing. looking for a white male between 28-40 to meet later tonight for drinks & conversation. Please be hwp, intelligent, laid back SINGLE & LOCAL!!
i am in my 30's, well educated, laid back, sweet, silly at times & love to laugh.
I'm a not skinny but I guess one could describe my weight as "a few extra pounds". I am working on getting back in shape. I like to be active and I played a lot of sports growing up. Blah blah blah.,, I also smoke! If that bothers you then don't reply. Im 420 friendly but it makes no difference tonight. I just want somebody cool to hang out with. It'll be a little after 10 before I can get out.
Please reply with your AGE, LOCATION & a PICTURE!!! I'll return the favor after you.

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