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Age: 26
Status: married
Photos: 12 Public
Seeking: hook-up, to get laid, married man
Location: Gold Coast-Tweed Heads, Australia

#%#Beautiful lady seeking for a good and true gentleman for marriag#%#

local sluts Gold Coast-Tweed Heads, Australia

I am also in time share. I am very loyal, faithful, sincere, playful, romantic, affectionate and musically talented. I also sing, write music and perform locally from time to time. I am ready to settle down with a wholesome loving and attractive man who is kind and drama free. A man who will take my hand and walk along side me throughout the rest of my life. I am a very decent woman who resolves issues and I am very reasonable. You should be the same. I am searching for that loving and caring man to spend every day with and look forward to seeing your face when you get home from work. I love to do dinners and entertainment but like to stay home with my loved one as well and i will glad if my dream come true here with any serious man. Waiting

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