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Age: 27
Status: engaged
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: single women, several guys, group of males
Location: Cupertino, California , Bay Area| Silicon Valley

empty office Liverpool St, want to suck a group of local men off

local sluts Cupertino, California , Bay Area| Silicon Valley

emptu office today thanks to the boss organising an away day in Kent. I'm heading in to London around 12:30 for two hours to sort out mail and pick up some documents. No cameras in mine and have always wanted to suck a few local city workers off in my office. Be great if you were all comfortable with me sucking you all at the same time, I love to swallow and would love to lie down and have you all cum on me. I'm 25 and a London girl, have a great job and am very kinky. I'm a size 10 but only because I have big boobs and a big butt, I'm brunette and always well dressed. Only local city boys reply please, and the more the merrier

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