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Age: 42
Status: married
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: fuck, cuddling, regular sex
Location: 91351, Canyon Country, California

Seeks single sensual guy who wants to makeout

local sluts 91351, Canyon Country, California

Cool, laid back girl, seeking a sexy single guy (please live in Chicago) who loves passionate kisses, making out, hanging out and getting to know each other. Ideally, I'd love to find a new lover, something that is ongoing in fun. But no drama, no games, no strings. If you're interested, please reply and tell me all about you you. Chemistry is I am not interested in finding just any cl guy. All good things start with a kiss - if you agree, I want to hear from you
Me: brown hair, blue eyes, very kissable lips - I'm curvy, heavier build, 5'4" 200lbs, cute, playful and straight forward. You: single and attractive, local, taller than me, loves to make out, considers themselves to be passionate, older than 27....the rest is based on how we vibe.
I love creative guys - no BS, please - no games, please. I'm not sure why people just can't be straight up? Being up front and honest goes a long way....

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