Lots of women old and young, milfs, housewives are seeking sex here - a simple, secure and discreet join process will get you laid ASAP.

Age: 42
Status: married
Photos: 1 Public
Seeking: couple, casual encounter, have fun
Location: Upland, California , Mojave Desert

RE: Fake ass woman - w4m

local sluts Upland, California , Mojave Desert

These fake ads collect email addresses and phone numbers to sell to spammers and scammers. Or the person that posts the ad is the spammer or scammer. The poster of the fake ad may just be some guy living in the basement of his mother.

1. Don't be tempted to give out your email or phone until you have an idea that the person behind the ad is local. That will weed out a lot of them. Example......."Want to get my pic mail me:- sexy___93251 at y___.c o m" DO NOT do it!! (note this is only an example)

2. Flag the fakes once they are found out.

3. Use your head that is on your shoulders.

"Is there anything but bs here its all fake shit what is the purpose of these fake ads and nonexistant woman "

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