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Age: 38
Status: in relationships
Photos: 9 Public
Seeking: buddy, casual dating, fuck
Location: Trois-Rivieres, Canada

Honest, hip, fun, pretty, looking for you

local sluts Trois-Rivieres, Canada

I am in the twilight of my youth, and I am looking to be your kept woman. There, I said it. I don't want to date. Dating runs the gamut from boring to scary. Frankly, I am sick of disappointing first dates. Why can't we lay out what we want right away- put our proverbial cards on the table -and see if we have what the other wants? Honesty is sexy.

At this point in my life I can support myself and have a little extra for tattoos and my record collection. I have friends and hobbies... But I am still missing something. I want adventure. I want to be a mistress.

I am body positive, and am bubbly with a dark sense of humor. Politically left leaning and firmly feminist. Sexually submissive. Well spoken and artistic. Blonde, blue eyes, broad hips, offbeat and fun.

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