Local sluts in Hamilton are not necessarily found in local bars. All kinds of slutty women, escorts, whores, one night fick buddies, no strings fun casual daters could easily be found here.

Age: 44
Status: single
Photos: 5 Public
Seeking: love, getting laid, dicreet meetings
Location: Hamilton, Canada

Fun for adults

local sluts Hamilton, Canada

Lots of things exploding around my neighborhood. But not me lol !!
Looking for a man aged 25 and up, any race, clean and disease free, non smoking preferred for some occasional fun, naked meetings.
Regatta is this weekend, although, what is a regatta without the boat races??? Sigh, stupid rain and debris in our rivers :( Still fun to go downtown and enjoy all of the other stuff going on and the fireworks, of course.
I'm a mwf and can't host. blue eyes/blonde hair/short/avg build/nothing fancy/45 yrs old

Just wanting some extra 'personal' time with a man who knows how to eat and pound and satisfy a woman.

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