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Age: 45
Status: divorced
Photos: 11 Public
Seeking: getting laid, married man, straight man
Location: Welland, Canada

My fantasy

local sluts Welland, Canada

I have a fantasy that I would like to explore further, but I have a hard time talking about it, and am hoping that posting it on here to the unknown craigslist community will make it a bit easier for me to accomplish.

My longtime fantasy, that has stayed with me most of my adult life, throughout numerous jobs - I'd like to fuck my boss.

I realize this could have some implications in my workplace, and perhaps might not be the best idea, so wanting to try and incorporate it into some kind of role play scenario.

Perhaps I'm working for you as your secretary, or I'm called in for an interview. Hopefully you have a nice private office we could play in discreetly. Or perhaps you have another idea we could explore.

I'm cute, early 30's, a bit chubby, but have some nice curves and love sex. I promise not to cause any drama or chaos if I am invited over to your workplace to play!

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