Literally thousands of sex craving girls are right here- from luxury independent escorts to cheap local whores and even free to fuck lonely married or single sluts, who are not getting enough sex at home.

Age: 41
Status: engaged
Photos: 2 Public
Seeking: one night stand, cute guy, several guys
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado

Any White Collar Type Males To Observe a Role Play Scene

local sluts Fort Collins, Colorado

Looking for white collar type males although open to blue collars too etc to view a roleplay scene. Will do this in a hotel setting close to the airport. It has easy parking and discreet access to the multi room suite. Will be observing a medical fetish scene where a woman receives a complete physical exam. Like to have a stranger there to add some stress and humiliation to the event.

Open to age, race, body build, etc. Takes about 50-60 minutes for each woman examined. They will vary in age from 20+ . All agreeable to being viewed in the nude.

Will do this late afternoon and into evening. If interested so indicate and some about you as a person is appreciated.

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