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Age: 44
Status: married
Photos: 5 Public
Seeking: fuckbuddy, nsa date, cute guy
Location: Naperville, 60564, IL , Chicagoland

I want to hear your voice

local sluts Naperville, 60564, IL , Chicagoland

I want to hear your voice, telling me what you want to do to my tight wet pussy.
I want to hear you give me commands eg "suck my cock now you little slut"
I want to hear you moan and call me dirty names.

I'm in a relationship and can only talk occasionally however I'm looking for phone sex with someone NOW - only thing is, my partner is in the next room so I won't be able to talk back (this time). I will have you on mute. However if you get me nice and wet and force me to touch myself in private hoping that my boyfriend doesn't catch me, then I would like an ongoing phone sex relationship

I'm very much a sub

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