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Age: 35
Status: single
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: casual encounter, older man, swinger couple
Location: 66503, Manhattan, Kansas

Chat/ Fwb :)

local sluts 66503, Manhattan, Kansas

Well I wanna start off just being friends, I've never been with a man considering I've been into girls for many years now. I've always thought about men just never acted on it. I have short hair and dress like a boy, i would like to experience what it's like to physically be with a man. Not trying to rush into sex with you I know I want it but its gotta be the right guys, you gotta make me comfortable So if your mature enough and respectful enough email me with a picture and write me something. no picture no reply. I'm looking for a longterm friendship in this so be real thanks. I'm 25 so please be around my age. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

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