Literally thousands of sex craving girls are right here- from luxury independent escorts to cheap local whores and even free to fuck lonely married or single sluts, who are not getting enough sex at home.

Age: 35
Status: engaged
Photos: 14 Public
Seeking: couple, casual dating, regular sex
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana , Acadiana

Must be well hung

local sluts Lafayette, Louisiana , Acadiana

In search of a discreet, fun, positive, no strings, no bugs, no germs, relaxed lover. You must be everything I just listed, as well as, between the ages or 49-60. Please be capable of reaching a full erection. Please be drama free, capable of carrying on a conversation that's not exclusively about you. Have a sense of humor and please have more than 6 hanging in your jeans. Email with a photo if you think you are all of the above. Thanks

I am attractive
In pretty good shape
49 yrs
Not married
Only available during the day
Can host occasionally but not often
I have a great sense of humor
I am clean and respectable
I simply don't have time to date and, honestly, there's not a lot to choose from at the local market which is about as far as I get out

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