Looking for- intelligent, good looking, funny, betw">

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Age: 31
Status: in relationships
Photos: 7 Public
Seeking: men, bi men, extramarital relationships
Location: Baltimore, 21219 , County

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local sluts Baltimore, 21219 , County

I'm 30, 5'8" dark hair, white, brown eyes. In shape. Currently separated, in divorce process.
Looking for- intelligent, good looking, funny, between 35 and 50. Tall.
Brookside drinks and conversation. If you just talk about sports or reality tv, move along ;-) also if you like talking about which World of Warcraft character you are at the moment or if you want to convert me to your cult, or have some conspiracy theory that involves the NSA or other government entities...move along ;-) Not looking for a long term thing-just some fun. Pics for pics. :-)

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