Local sluts in Plymouth are not necessarily found in local bars. All kinds of slutty women, escorts, whores, one night fick buddies, no strings fun casual daters could easily be found here.

Age: 45
Status: divorced
Photos: 7 Public
Seeking: one time hookup, fuckbuddy, single man
Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts , New England

In need of help

local sluts Plymouth, Massachusetts , New England

Chubby sub looking for long term affair

Yep - that's me. Chubby - but attractive 40-something who has a great marriage with no desire to change my status but am missing out on a great physical connection.

I consider myself submissive but am not looking for just sex - I want an affair - a friend, confidant, and lover. I want that feeling of longing to be with my lover and feel his touch, and knowing he can not wait to see me again.

Think you might be interested? Well, not so fast.

Be serious.
Don't start off by sending me a dick pic - when will you boys learn that girls are not visual like you are....
A face pic is great! It is nice to know who I am talking to
This is not a pic for pic request.
There is a good chance I have a ton of emails now and I don't send my picture out willy-nilly.
Soo... tell me about you. Likes/dislikes, what you are looking for, what you want, why you are replying to this ad.
Be over 30 - at the very least!

About me: my schedule varies with my work, but I am free during the day and some nights as well. I love to be active, unfortunately due to a few weird issues I have been stuck not being able to do much for awhile. I love dogs and am not a big fan of cats. I love movies - watch more on netflix then in the theater but try to get out when I can. I love to laugh, learn and meet new people.

I have been at this awhile and have had some great experiences and have also seen my share of unpleasant males (you know....assholes). I tend to be picky when looking for someone as I require discretion and hope to meet someone who is in the same situation as I am. Meaning: I prefer married men. I am married myself and prefer someone who knows what it takes to have an affair be successful while not destroying the home life. There are other reasons, but it would be nice to have something to talk about if we start to hit if off....

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