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Age: 24
Status: divorced
Photos: 14 Public
Seeking: man, cuddling, several guys
Location: Battle Creek, Michigan

Tall Dark and Curvy--- Hosting Tonight

local sluts Battle Creek, Michigan

I am not for the faint of (336) heart, but I couldn't care less what others think. I live in my own reality these days, not giving too much thought to what goes on outside my circle. Its all shit I can't control, anyways. War, poverty, death... Its all too depressing. I prefer to float on a honeysuckle secnted breeze and drift off into my own world, where no one starves and no one gets hurt. Yeah...I smoke a lot of pot. What can I say? The rock and roll lifestyle is for me. It'll kill me young and send me straight to hell, but at least I'll have a good time while I'm here. Besides, aren't all the rockstars and strippers in hell too? It can't be all that bad. (Relax guys, I'm sure God has a sense of humor too. He did, after all, create me!)

(For those asking, I'm white)

Donations (813) appreciated. It is what it is. You're sure to have one hell of a time with me though.

Keep the nasty talk to yourself until we meet. This is for your protection and mine!

White (2053) guys only. I prefer older men, but will entertain any age. Must love thick/BBW girls (I'm a sexy one though!)

Hosting today after 3pm.

Looking as long as ad is up!

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