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Age: 23
Status: engaged
Photos: 14 Public
Seeking: man, bi men, have fun
Location: Dearborn, 48124, MI , Metro Detroit

re: Searching for hung guys to get the best head

local sluts Dearborn, 48124, MI , Metro Detroit

'Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the house,
E'erone grew quiet...as
Steve tried on a blouse

The stockings were hung,
On the chimney with care,
Those were the ones,
Steve wanted to wear

His mom said, "Why all this, Steve,
You have a d*ck?"
"I know mom", said Steve,
"But I feel like a chick"

"I'm going on craigslist!,
But first a disguise"
"A wig and some lipstick,
To fool some straight guys"

With a queer little smile,
And a girlish demeanor,
He placed a fake ad,
To get some straight wiener

He posted a pic,
He took of his butt,
It was carefully cropped,
So you can't see a nut

Yes, little Johnny,
You should know it's true,
Guys dress like girls,
In hopes to get you

Guys dressed like girls,
So sad, so sad,
Beware, beware,
Of the fag in drag

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