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Age: 42
Status: engaged
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: to get laid, getting laid, dicreet meetings
Location: Rochester, 48307 , Oakland County

Sk8r looking...

local sluts Rochester, 48307 , Oakland County

5'8 red hair hazel eyes and white. Young and super fun, never a dull moment. Looking for an open minded guy who's up and bored tonight. Been skating and hate doing it alone. Anyone want some company? Will do just about anything, all kept quiet, for someone to sk8 with me. Cute and have pics. Will return the favor when mine freezes back up, no worries. Race no issue just be kool, self-secure and no obese or old! Send a pic of body (or member *wink) in reply or no answer. Please serious only. I'm so bored and want to keep someone company!

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