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Age: 32
Status: in relationships
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: buddy, nsa fun, casual encounter
Location: 49221, Adrian, Michigan

Looking for a little fun before college starts back up! (BBW)

local sluts 49221, Adrian, Michigan


I'm just looking to possibly have a little fun.

As far as looks go.. I'm average in height, bbw, dark eyes, and dark shortish hair. I also wear nerd glasses (ray bans).

I'm in my 20's.

I'm d&d free and have good hygiene.. the same must go for you!

I would like to mention complete discretion is a must!

Please write a little about yourself. If you just write "send me a pic" or "whats up".. I won't respond.

Also put your favorite band as the subject.. If not your email will be deleted.

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