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Age: 33
Status: married
Photos: 0 Public
Seeking: no strings attached fun, single man, swinging couples
Location: Ballwin, Missouri , Greater St. Louis

Need a quickie before leaving town today

local sluts Ballwin, Missouri , Greater St. Louis

Here for work. Leaving today. Partied with coworkers last night. Got 2 hours of sleep. Got drunk. And woke up in my bosses room. I'm back in my room and I'm so embarrassed. I feel like a slut for sleeping with him. But I'm horny again. :(

I leave back home today. And I love my husband. But he's not great in bed. I'm looking for a not so quick quickie before I leave.

Send me a picture. If I like what I see, I'll send you mine. And blow my mind away. Tell me what you'd do to me. I can host. And you will never see me again after we fuck.

But checkout is at 11. So hurry.

White female, 5' tall. Runner's body, but almost a full C cup. Multiorgasmic, and a little on the loud side when we fuck, sorry. Lol

And yes, I'm real. There's a construction fence next to BWW next to the theatre. And 4th and 16th has two new buildings about to open up.

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