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Age: 37
Status: in relationships
Photos: 11 Public
Seeking: one time hookup, men, regular sex
Location: 08701, Lakewood, NJ, Ocean County

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local sluts 08701, Lakewood, NJ, Ocean County

25 y/o, Curvy, big boobs and ass, brunette, blue eyed, pale skin seeking a Dom. I'm very sub who enjoys rough, kinky sex. The bigger cock, the better. Please be white, able to host, between 26-34 years old, and in good shape. I can't host at all. Reply with pic and favorite color in subject line. I'm real, its cold and gross outside. Hey my names Jen I could really use a frien today I'm going thru a tuff time as it would be nice to just get out of the house and hang out maybe smoke some weed or smoke anything really I need some company so if this sounds like something ur into let me know reply with ur phone number

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