Local sluts in Vineland are not necessarily found in local bars. All kinds of slutty women, escorts, whores, one night fick buddies, no strings fun casual daters could easily be found here.

Age: 40
Status: engaged
Photos: 1 Public
Seeking: bi women, have fun, older man
Location: 8361, Vineland, NJ, Cumberland County

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local sluts 8361, Vineland, NJ, Cumberland County

I am a bored stay at home wife looking for a text buddy that could possibly lead to a casual hook up. My husband does know about this so there wont be any sneaking around and im not looking for anyone to break up my marriage, just some extra excitement.
If your looking to get laid the first day we meet then dont bother talking to me because im not a whore, it wont happen!

**If you dont like big girls then just stop reading right now and go on to the next ad. I am a real woman with curves, a big ass, fat rolls and 1 hell of a sassy sarcastic attitude to go along with it, (but i am also kinda shy at first) and if you cant handle that then move along!**

Now, if your still reading then and think this may be something that you just may wanna get into...you can reply to this email.

Your pic will get mine

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