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Age: 28
Status: divorced
Photos: 2 Public
Seeking: men, friendship, no strings attached fun
Location: Mount Vernon, New York , Hudson Valley


local sluts Mount Vernon, New York , Hudson Valley

She is a fucking psycho.
I talked to her for about a week before I got tired of her crazy bi-polar "come fuck me like a whore I wanna taste your cum" one minute "I wanna be your girlfriend but no sex for a while" the next. When I finally told her I'd had enough, she threatened to post my cell number on gay chat rooms and spread that I had herpes, I don't, but SHE DOES.
When I told her I was screen-saving every threat she made, she ended the conversation talking like I'd given her a black eye and begging me not to send my black friends to rape her. I guess she thought I'd destroy all the saved screen-shots rather than have keep them with those false statements, but I've never met the bitch, nor do I know where she lives so it would be hard to accomplish either.
She did end up posting my cell number on some hook up site and I got several texts from men thinking I was her.
I have spoken with local law enforcement and have enough evidence both saved on my computer, and printed out, to have her arrested for harassment and illegal use of the telephone. Save yourself headaches. Stay away from her. She is on Facebook and FetLife.

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