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Age: 43
Status: engaged
Photos: 1 Public
Seeking: relationships, men, straight man
Location: 11801, Hicksville, New York

How kinky are people on CL

local sluts 11801, Hicksville, New York

I'm going to start by saying NO I'm not going to meet anyone, skype anyone, speak to anyone on the phone, etc. This is just on email

And yes, it is me in the pics from my own personal movie collection. I felt I needed to post something to prove I'm not spam or something similar


I'm a 25 year old average girl, nothing too special, but with not so average sexual interests. I think of myself very open and liberated when it comes to sex where nothing is taboo and everything is to be tried at least once if not more. After being on Fetlife for a couple of years, my lists of interests and fetishes has grown as I've discovered more about myself and talked and met to people on there. However recently someone mentioned to me how glad they were Fetlife existed so they could meet like minded people cause they couldn't in real life and that got me thinking. Sure enough, apart from Fetlife I hadn't met anyone who I could speak so openly to. It's fair to say most people I know in real life would probably be shocked and disgusted if I told them some of the things I have done

So I turn to you people of CL thinking that you would be normal people, some of which have probably never heard of Fetlife, who could prove to me that there are very kinky people out there and not on Fetlife. Boys, girls, straight, gay, bi, I don't care, just tell me how kinky you are and what dark fantasies you have or have managed to perform. I'm happy to exchange stories or thoughts. Who knows perhaps you will introduce me to a new fetish or maybe I will open your mind


hit me at G~~//~~m//l>>>>>> "jdsgcsvb"

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