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Age: 37
Status: never married
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: love, men and women, dicreet meetings
Location: 27284, Kernersville, NC, Forsyth County

Divorced but PreGnant Looking 4 Fucck Buddy?????

local sluts 27284, Kernersville, NC, Forsyth County

I am real. I don't why I'm being flagged. I will politely decline from now on so people know I'm real. Now to the point......Does any hot stocky tall men have a big girl fetish? I'm looking for a man 6'2 and over. Must like bigger girls. Please send a pic of yourself or no response. 35 is the age cut off. white guys only. I really like the linebacker stocky body type. The taller the better!!!text me for details. four4three>3zero8>8five5six.plz tex me.

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