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Age: 23
Status: single
Photos: 10 Public
Seeking: friendship, single man, swinger couple
Location: 27406, Greensboro, NC, Guilford County

Consultant and Slut

local sluts 27406, Greensboro, NC, Guilford County

I work as an HR and IT software consultant and have been fantasizing about working for a client who toys with me sexually. It starts out simply enough, a few inappropriate comments here and there before turning into touching. I'll wonder if his hand grazing my round ass was a mistake or not. Then it turns into his bumping into me and me feeling his hard cock in his pants. I usually work late hours (like most consultants) and on one occasion find him behind me with his hand going up my skirt. I'm going to be in big trouble now because he will confirm that I'm the office slut that doesn't wear panties to work. You see that as the perfect opportunity to bend me over the desk, unzip your pants and unload into my wet pussy. I love the idea of sitting in a meeting discussing an issue that needs to be solved with a freshly fucked swollen pussy full of your cum.

I know I know. HR people are supposed to be the good guys. I just happen to be a very naughty one. I am extremely discreet. No one is the office will know unless you tell them. The best thing is we would have a C2C arrangement, no employee-employer relationship between us.

If you are interested drop me a note describing the consulting need. If you do this then I will respond even if it is just to say my skill set does not match.

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