Local sluts in Lenoir are not necessarily found in local bars. All kinds of slutty women, escorts, whores, one night fick buddies, no strings fun casual daters could easily be found here.

Age: 38
Status: single
Photos: 15 Public
Seeking: men and women, extramarital relationships, swinger couple
Location: 28645, Lenoir, NC, Caldwell County

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local sluts 28645, Lenoir, NC, Caldwell County

I am coming out of a long-term relationship. I have no interest in dating you or seeing you after tonight unless we just click. I have never had a NSA so I offer no guarantees. I simply want company and the possibility of more.

I am an attractive white female in my mid 40's. I'm not a barbie or bbw. I'm about 20 lbs. overweight by my standard. I'm not out to impress you, I just hate it when people misrepresent themselves. The appeal of the NSA for me is the fact we can be simply be ourselves. No pressure to be anything other than strangers desiring a fleeting connection.

I'm very open-minded but it's always been in the context of a relationship. I truly have no idea how this will play out. I envision a glass of wine, conversation and whatever evolves naturally.

Tell me what you have in mind....

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