Local sluts in Lumberton are not necessarily found in local bars. All kinds of slutty women, escorts, whores, one night fick buddies, no strings fun casual daters could easily be found here.

Age: 40
Status: divorced
Photos: 11 Public
Seeking: getting laid, have fun, married man
Location: 28358, Lumberton, North Carolina

I need a FWB, but want somebody that I know

local sluts 28358, Lumberton, North Carolina

I want to find a FWB, hopefully even somebody that I know if real life. But, I don't want to seem like a slut, going around having to ask someone if they're interested..

I've tried this before but never had anyone that I recognized reply.. I'm too scared to meet up with a random guy, but I want some NSA fun.

So, if you send me a picture and I at least recognize you as a real person that I've seen around town, your chances would go up about 99%. Men from Grants Pass only, please.

If I do find somebody I recognize, I'll write you back to see if you're interested in a no strings attached, discreet friends with benefits situation.

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