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Age: 24
Status: divorced
Photos: 8 Public
Seeking: bi men, bi couple, straight man
Location: Elyria, 44035 , Lorain County

Cougar looking for a cub

local sluts Elyria, 44035 , Lorain County

White BBW (must be ok with bigger girls) 32, separated. I've just been feeling kinda cougarish lately and want to play with a young cub. Looking for boys ages 18 and 19. Yep, fresh outa high school. Hehe ;) The less experienced the better. I'm super kinky and I'd love to teach you a few tricks and have you be my lil boy toy. Sorry not looking for any older guys. Please be ddf as I am too. And please send a pic with your reply (preferably a face and a dick pic so I can see that you're actually young and not an older guy posing as one) and I'll return the favor.

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