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Age: 27
Status: married
Photos: 14 Public
Seeking: fuckbuddy, men, men and women
Location: 44060, Mentor, Ohio

Looking for Some Vacation Fun

local sluts 44060, Mentor, Ohio

I get into town on Sunday for a week of vacation fun. I'm here to visit my best friend, however, she is married and so are all her local friends, so I get a little bored as the week goes on. Would love to find someone fun to maybe meet up for drinks and see what happens after that. :) We will go out a couple nights so maybe you could accidentally meet me out.

About me: 30, 5'5", BBW, dark, tan skin color with an exotic look, size K boobs

About you: around my age or older and the dominate/take charge type
Please send a pic and something about yourself.

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