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Age: 29
Status: engaged
Photos: 4 Public
Seeking: casual dating, married man, several guys
Location: 18901, Doylestown, PA, Bucks County


local sluts 18901, Doylestown, PA, Bucks County

Not sure why some lame-ass flagged my post. It *does* have things in it there are considered illegal, but only if you really do them. I specified this is a text-only deal.


I'm looking for a man that can text often, and talk filthy dirty to me. I LOVE cock and want to hear how you are going to run trains on me, rent me out to other men while you watch, make me work the streets, dress like a whore, be my pimp, bring your friends home to pound me, and anything else we can think of. If any of this offends you, you're obviously not the one. If you are uncomfortable calling me a whore while I cum, this won't work. I like feeling owned and used and it makes me cum like a professional, I can't help it!

I really don't care about your situation or relationship status, this is a text-only offer. I am not interested in a relationship with you, other than texting.

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