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Age: 24
Status: in relationships
Photos: 15 Public
Seeking: relationships, to get laid, single man
Location: New Castle, Pennsylvania


local sluts New Castle, Pennsylvania

I'll be alone at an awesome campsite at a lake in the central ADKs during the week of August 16-21.

I am: five foot three, 140 lbs. Blue eyes, freckles, natural bod, unshaven. Athletic and muscular but also possessing some mom-flab (truth in advertising). Been told I'm beautiful but I prefer the more modest "cute." Adventurous in and out of the sack. Friendly, fun, good sense of humor. Like to swim and start fires.

You are: 35 to 55 years old. Athletic, fit. Good teeth, nice smile. Clean, disease free. Like to watch women start fires.

I'm looking for an outdoorsy guy who knows how to camp, hike, and paddle; who can hold an intelligent conversation; and who can behave like a gentleman but f-ck like an animal.

My idea is to paddle together, cook, drink/420, do the nasty, and repeat as necessary, for as many days as we're getting along well.

Please reply only if you're a competent paddler. You don't have to have your own canoe, but you do have to know how to paddle well, and be in good shape.

Please include your physical stats, a photo of your smiling face, let me know which of those dates you might be available, and tell me why this idea appeals to you.


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