Local sluts in Collierville are not necessarily found in local bars. All kinds of slutty women, escorts, whores, one night fick buddies, no strings fun casual daters could easily be found here.

Age: 30
Status: single
Photos: 15 Public
Seeking: bi couple, single man, swinger couple
Location: 38017, Collierville, TN, Shelby County

Military men!

local sluts 38017, Collierville, TN, Shelby County

Simply put, looking for a contract marriage. I'm 5,4 red/brown hair and blue eyes. We don't have to live together, but if you want to, we have a spare room that you can have. I have no kids. My roommate does if you choose to live here. If you decide you do want to live here, I cook, clean, enjoy sex and love to go have fun. If not then you can do as you please. Please email a picture of yourself. This is real. 2 walmarts and a new Walmart in richlands. And base traffic sucks lol

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