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Age: 41
Status: divorced
Photos: 14 Public
Seeking: relationships, regular sex, extramarital relationships
Location: Blackpool, United Kingdom

Sexy, skinny for nsa/fwb

local sluts Blackpool, United Kingdom

I'm young sexy and fun!! Live in Woodward and I'm not a whore. I just need to find a guy for every now and then to come over while hubby is working and play with me. He knows about this!! You have to be steril!!!! Would prefer 7" + but not a deal breaker. Please don't be under 6". Send pic in reply if you are real and serious about meeting up. I'm 33 so please be over 25 and under 45. Thanks,hope to hear from you ;) I haven't found anyone yet so if ad is up, I'm still looking. If you aren't serious about meeting up, move on. If you flake out and can't stick to what you say, move on. I haven't met anyone because everyone seems to want pics and get their rocks off and stop talking. I'll text you, but if u don't show up at some point then you are a flake. Please be real and ready to meet in the near future. :) thanks

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