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Age: 39
Status: divorced
Photos: 12 Public
Seeking: relationships, regular sex, extramarital relationships
Location: Salford, United Kingdom

sooner then later

local sluts Salford, United Kingdom

Looking for early day fun. I work evenings do don't ask and I have my goddaughter on weekends so this is my only free time. I'm African American female 28 thick looking for a little company maybe bring some drinks and we will go from there. I love sports and the outdoors but can hold a conversation in politics as well. Im more of a tomboy then a girly when it comes to clothing but I really don't think you'll be around long enough to see what's in my closet as I'll either be in jammys or a robe upon your arrival. I'm not picky just don't lie about how big you are below the belt. That shit is frustrating and I will kick you out. I like all races sizes ages.I'M TRYING TO DO THIS ASAP...NO PIC NO REPLY SO IF YOU DON'T GET A RESPONSE YOU FILE SIMPLE DIRECTIONS.... ONCE I RECEIVE YOUR PICTURE I'LL SEND MINE I'M RETURN. HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS THEIR DAY

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