Local sluts in Charleston are not necessarily found in local bars. All kinds of slutty women, escorts, whores, one night fick buddies, no strings fun casual daters could easily be found here.

Age: 40
Status: married
Photos: 10 Public
Seeking: relationships, fuckbuddy, swinger couple
Location: 25302, Charleston, WV, Kanawha County

~~»mistress seeks loyal faithful sub slave***

local sluts 25302, Charleston, WV, Kanawha County

*»+ If you respond to this ad,treat it like a resume.tell me who you are..introduce yoursel proper and tell Goddess why I should choose you..what you can offer me in ways of service and dedication. If you call yourself a slave then do as you are told.. Always do as your Goddess commands.. Now I am not the typical whips and chains mistress..I have a physical mean streak and,love to use my strength against pathetic whiny whoreboys.I am seeking a slave to do my dirty work.. Cleaning my toilets with a pointy birthday hat and gag.. Or doing my laundry in heels with your cock tied to your leg.. So you cant get a boner while my husband is fucking me in frontof you while your folding. You will be my personal toy.. My private plaything.. I will control your soul. I am seeking long term.. I want to own you.. Collar you.. Brand you as mine.your every thought and only desire in life willbe to please me. I will fuck your mind raw and pour salt in after and laugh. You will take a kickin and slapping and beg for more.... You will love and fear me... And I will abuse and adore you.

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