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Age: 31
Status: never married
Photos: 3 Public
Seeking: love, relationships, men
Location: 27292, Lexington, North Carolina

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local sluts 27292, Lexington, North Carolina

calling all:

feminist men
men who love women as whole people, not just as sexual objects
men who want a casual hook up but not an empty encounter
men who like to talk and laugh
men who want to kick it for a little bit to see if we click before trying anything
men who can kiss
men who talk dirty confidently, but without using words like slut or whore

if you are one or more of these, please do drop me a line

no drugs or drinking, cigarettes are fine, condoms (if it gets to that) are a must

i'm 5'5" 215, white, brunette, cute, nice
i love to cuddle on the couch watching movies and if that's all we ever do, i would be satisfied

however i also love to kiss, touch, lick, moan...so i'm hoping for that eventually, if we feel good to each other

i'm really quite warm and loving, and i love to roll around with someone who is the same way

happy hunting!

front of the line - sweet, nerdy, unassuming

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