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Age: 28
Status: married
Photos: 11 Public
Seeking: love, have fun, dicreet meetings
Location: Irwin, 15642, PA , Pittsburgh Metro Area

I Come Over You Cum Inside.. ....!!! Lets play.

local sluts Irwin, 15642, PA , Pittsburgh Metro Area

I didn't realize I was this attractive!!

I answered 15 emails for girls of 21, 26, 33 or younger who wanted to suck or fuck (although with those fantastic bodies and sexual likes why don't they nip down to Weatherspoons for a pickup) with a header "Male 68 for Sucking ".
I got a reply with an email address from every one which of course all turned out to be exactly what we all know = spam.

What is more strange is that they all have twins in Manchester posting the same ads with same photos......but the twins are different ages. WOW!


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