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Age: 36
Status: engaged
Photos: 1 Public
Seeking: hook-up, to get laid, single women
Location: Columbia, 29212 , Richland County

Chubby Chasers where R you? Wanted: bbw/ssbbw lover age 37up

local sluts Columbia, 29212 , Richland County

I am 47 .... Shape-wise I have a large belly
I am seeking a non-smoker, age 37+
** Sorry :) but allergic to smoke - so please be a non-smoker ... put "non-smoker" in your subject line

I love younger men - but I'm looking for personality as much as sex appeal
I have more to talk about in bed with someone closer to my age
(if you don't remember records - we probably won't mesh up lol)

Ok - please - do not be a hater and send nasty email
I'm just an average person looking for some Safe fun
>>>so ONLY respond if you are, well frankly, "into larger bbw or ssbbw"
- I will answer then
do not bother writing if you "tolerate" or "I love everyone - size doesn't matter"
(not to be curt - but it seems some guys will write anyone lol)

I have incredible self-esteem - I'm just looking for someone "Into" larger women
Just as some men like blondes or big breasts, or short girls, etc. - some men LIKE and seek out larger women - it's a preference thing
I'm simply looking for one of those types of men
I'm fine with who I am ... but doesn't EVERYONE (including men) prefer to be admired?

If you had a choice between 2 women and one really admired you and one just thought you were "ok" ... which would You pick
I'm looking for a bbw/ssbbw admirer
here's a pic
I'm not an exhibitionist - and I'm quite sane - not attaching my face lol
but I'm sick of writing men who then say "oh wow - a ssbbw is a large lady"
I have a tummy - as woman have different shapes - I know it's important for men to see

I'm funny, smart and a nice person - please be the same
I'm looking for someone who is married as I am and I don't want to meet someone who isn't on the same wavelength for discretion
I am completely clean and I expect the one man I hope to meet to be as well
I'd be really happy to meet One longer term playmate - rather than a bunch of curious guys

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